Sunday, 15 June 2008

Tad Sae & Kouang Xi waterfalls

Today Ciaran and I headed to see Kouang Xi and Tad Sae waterfalls. Heading to the smaller of the two first (Tad Sae) we passed the elephant camp and went for a swim at the interesting falls that rush through the trees into various blue pools. Heading back from here we stopped at a pineapple market and bought a full pineapple to eat for around 13 cents! And it was one of the most delicious pineapples i've eaten! Arriving at Kuoang Xi waterfall we could see the place was much more popular with the tourists and there were lots of people around. This had no effect on the majesty of the place however, as the enormous cascading waterfall was absolutely breathtaking. Taking a heap of photos and following the trail right to the top of the falls I took in the view for a while before heading back down to one of the busy pools for a jump off the jump tree and a swim in the cool waters. Riding back to town in the back of our truck Ciaran and I slept on the comfy bench seats and then headed to dinner at a cheap vegetarian stall my beautiful girlfriend had recommended. An excellent day!

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