At a time when much of the world has their eyes turned towards China and its incredible human rights abuses against Tibetan's China has exceeded its already horrific human rights record (Including not only Tibetan deaths but also its own Chinese Students at Tiananmen Square), by sending 77 tonnes of weaponry to Zimbabwe. The shipment includes AK47's, mortars, and RPG's and over 3.5 million rounds of ammunition. This shipment has been sent of course, just weeks after Dictator Robert Mugabe has yet again refused to hand over power despite opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai winning a majority vote in presidential elections. Essentially what China has done has signed themselves up to the potential death of thousands of innocent Zimbabwe citizens should Mugabe simply decide to act in a manner very fitting with her personality, not to mention also accepting money that clearly should have been spent on much needed development. For these actions the Chinese government should not only be ashamed of itself, but shamed also by the international community and by Chinese nationals.
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