Thursday, 13 December 2007

The gift of Giving

Just thought I would mention that when choosing presents for your friends and family this Christmas you may want to avoid the busy shopping centres and buy online from an organisation who will put the money from your purchase to a good cause. Oxfam have an online shop selling lots of great stuff you can buy for yourselves and others, or they even have the option of buying gifts for impoverished communities (such as a town well) if you want to buy a really amazing present. the anti-people trafficking website notforsale also have an online store selling some really cool stuff, or you could simply get onto google and browse for free trade websites or eco-friendly products. As consumers every time we buy something we are supporting the industry we purchase from. Why not put your money to a good cause next time you are buying a gift, not only will you be doing something positive for the world but you will also find some really unique gifts that shopping malls don't have. If we really want to change the world the best way to do it is not by trying to 'develop' others, but by changing our own behavior so that it supports the things we believe in. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a happy new year.

1 comment:

Ruia said...

Hello Itinerant!
I just thought that I would update you with the new course of things.
USC's ARC president wanted to have a softball tournament for the 2007-08 year in may. For that, we have to raise $ 20000 to have net profit of $8000 and the funds go to the measles initiative.
Everything every club in our chapter has been doing is to assist this program and we are $2000+ right now.
Anyhow, because of this nothing else is possible. The idea of a community event/rally is now "too much work" for the chapter.
I was kind of disheartened by the corporate nature of an NGO...but I guess that's an inevitable part of running an organization.
Anyhow, the worst part is that I wanted to raise funds for the Congolese women victims of sexual voilence and I also made a promise to the NY times reporter to do so. It seems hard now...but I am still thinking of ways.

Besides from that, I think your cause for stopping human trafficking has rubbed off on me. Most because yesterday, I watched "Human Trafficking", and oscar winning movie.
Anyway, I hope the new year's been amazing for you so far.